Savings Calculator
Estimate Your First Year of Savings TEST
Based Upon our 1 MPG Fuel-Savings Average

Windyne is leading the way in fairing
Technology with the best fuel and
Emissions Savings, the Best Overall Value
and Greatest Safety Standards
To calculate your Savings with Windyne Trailer Skirts:
- 1 Choose your Preferred Units.
- 2 "Enter Your Data" in the Panel.
- 3 Click the "UPDATE" Button.
Note: We've included some standard values to help get you started. Estimated savings are based upon our 1 mpg (235 L/100km) long-haul, fuel savings averages; *Many factors contribute to fuel savings as mentioned in our disclaimer below: individual results may vary.
Terms go Here
1 Choose Your Units:
2 Enter Your Data
Select (1 to 999,999 Units)
Estimated Savings Summary for 1 Year
(Emissions calculated in Metric Tonnes)
Savings Over the Long Haul
Windyne Fairings are designed to have a *10 Year Life Span - which means More Savings for Our Customers!
* Based on Standard Wear and Tear under Normal Operating Conditions!
1 Unit | Year 1 | Year 5 | Year 10 |
Emissions Saved (T) | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Gallons Saved (GL) | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Dollars Saved ($) | 0 | 0 | 0 |
1 Units | Year 1 | Year 5 | Year 10 |
Emissions Saved (T) | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Gallons Saved (GL) | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Dollars Saved ($) | 0 | 0 | 0 |
* Emissions Saved are measured by the Metric Tonne (tn) regardless of US or Canadian Units chosen.
* We use the same fuel price over the 10 year span for ease of calculation. Additional money will be saved if the price of fuel increases during the 10 year period.
Emissions Reductions